Seasonal Changes in the Garden - November 2021

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The biggest changes in the garden often take place in November as the late autumn winds strip the leaves from the trees. Everything starts quietly enough at the beginning of the month; a green lushness pervades the garden but there are hints of autumn colour. Note the yellow marrow/courgette on the patio table - how long has that been there? It doesn't survive much longer and will soon be turned into delicious soup.

By the middle of the month, the autumn colours are becoming more pronounced, especially the acer in the foreground.

Following Storm Arwen on the 26/27th November 2021, leaf-loss from the trees was greatly accelerated.

One of the advantages of leafless trees is that you can see the garden birds much easier. Here is a photo (taken through a window) of a visiting mistle thrush on 29th November. It is not the first thrush seen in the garden; that was a redwing seen 5-6 years ago. Nevertheless, the first garden thrush captured on camera. 

The thrush is now a daily visitor while there are still berries on the mountain ash. A few days later (in early December) it was joined, briefly, by a redwing (sorry, still no photo).

Other avian visitors in November include blackbirds,  collared doves, crows, house sparrows, magpies, starlings, wood pigeons, lesser black-backed gull, robin, blackcap, great tits and blue tits; seen here enjoying peanuts.

The monthly weather summary for November 2021 is given in the table below. Overall, warm and dry but turning colder at the end of the month. Storm Arwen on 26/27th of the month brought destructive winds to the UK; mainly to northern England and Scotland. Herefordshire lost a few trees but escaped largely unscathed.

November 2021 (2020)

Weather Parameter



Average Monthly Temperature 

8 oC (9 oC)

Maximum Monthly Temperature

17 oC (18 oC)


Minimum Monthly Temperature

-2 oC (-1 oC)


Number of Air Frost Days

5 (4)

Number of Hot Days (> 25 oC)

0 (0)

Monthly Precipitation

8.8 mm (47.8 mm)

Greatest 24 h Precipitation

3.2 mm (10.2 mm)

27th - 28th

Number of Dry Days

23 (13)

Monthly Sunshine Hours (estimated)

51 (53)

Average Wind Speed

3 km/h (3 km/h)

Highest Wind Speed

58 km/h (50 km/h)


Maximum Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

1035.4 hPa (1040.6 hPa)


Minimum Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

988.1 hPa (978.4 hPa)


Average Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

1018.1 hPa (1018.1 hPa)


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