This is our wood-in-the-garden. Small in size (less than 3 square metres) but containing two Oaks, two Hazels, two Hollies, and one each of Birch and Rowan. Not sure what constitutes a wood but the generally accepted definition of an orchard is 5 trees. There are other trees dotted about the garden: Elder, Photinia, Ornamental Crab Apple, Strawberry Tree, another Birch, Winter-flowering Cherry, another Rowan, Acer, and two Pine Trees. And we also have an orchard: eight Apple, two Pear, three Plum, a Crab Apple and a Medlar.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes! Our first, fully-formed, snowdrop of 2022 appeared in the garden on or around January 9th according to Mary. I took an out-of-focus photo on January 13th but here is a better photo of the same snowdrop in our wood-in-the-garden on 16th January.

Galanthus, or snowdrop, translates from Ancient Greek as milk flower which is certainly descriptive and appropriate. On the other hand, the snowdrop is often referred to as a harbinger of spring which seems somewhat inappropriate since its first appearance occurs, in this part of the world, in or around the middle of winter when Spring seems a long way off. Nevertheless, it is always a pleasure to see.
Anecdotally, this year's first appearance of a snowdrop flower seems early. December 2021 was warm which may explain why. Looking back a year, this photo of snowdrops in the snow was taken on the 24th January 2021 inferring we are, climatically, a couple of weeks early in 2022 in the phenological cycle of the snowdrop. Of course, it could just mean that 2021 was unusually cold at the start of the year and that is what held back the 2021 growing season. It will be interesting to see whether this year's growing season starts a bit earlier.
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