Wild about Daffodils


Just over the border in Gloucestershire, in an area known as the Golden Triangle, is the best place to see wild daffodils in this part of the world. The villages of Kempley (19-20th March 2022) and Dymock (26-27th March 2022) host daffodil weekends where you can be guided or just wander freely through woods and fields filled with the smaller unpretentious wild version of the daffodil. The first two photos were taken in Betty Daws Wood where carpets of yellow daffodils spread out before you as far as the eye can see. To be honest, photography - and especially my photography - does not do justice to this spectacular display.

Wood anemone also put on an impressive display but do get overshadowed by their more colourful companions...

A short walk from Betty Daws Wood are Gwen and Vera's fields...

... which get their very own Wiki page! I'd always assumed one of the fields belonged to Gwen and the other to Vera once upon a time, but maybe Gwen & Vera owned both fields or there is another explanation entirely. In any case, the two fields are part of a nature reserve managed by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.


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