March is the first month of meteorological Spring as we start to look forward to warmer days with less frequent frosts. The garden is really starting to green up and March is a great time for flowering bulbs. Our general impression was that March 2022 was a dry, sunny and fairly quiet month, but would the weather stats back that up? Previous months of 2022 can be found here and here. This photo of the back garden was taken on March 3rd 2022. For the most part, trees are still bare except for a few pink flowers on the wild cherry. Our neighbour's grass lawn is growing fast which is good for me as it supplies much-needed 'winter/spring' nitrogen for my hot composting system. The hellebores and viburnum provide some welcome contrast to the early Spring greening while daffodils and primulas provide a splash of yellow and the promise of warmer days (with occasional frosts!)...
Jobs in the Garden
- Seed sowing frenzy at the beginning of the month, especially tomatoes, sweet and chilli pepers, aubergines, courgettes, squashes and cucumber
- Following on from 1, transplanting mini-plants to bigger/individual pots
- Plant out sprouted garlic cloves (softneck, Sainsbury's) in the ground. These had been started off in the greenhouse (early February), hardened off in the polytunnel (late February) and planted outside on the 9th March
- Split off some comfrey root for my daughter's garden
- Onion sets arrive in the post on 19th March. Immediately plant outside next to garlic. Surround with insect-proof netting. Water every other day with rainwater from our waterbutts during dry periods
- Mulch/feed fruit trees and bushes with compost: apples, pears, plums, redcurrants, blackcurrants, gooseberries & raspberries
- Strawberry plants rooted in the Hydropod transplanted into 13 cm pots filled with recovered coir & placed in Wonderwall planters
- Neverending compost-making, pruning, tidying up and adding new plants to the garden
- Last year's stored potato and onion harvest still being eaten! Along with regular pickings of sprouting brocolli, kale, spinach and chard sown last year
- To be honest, not that busy a month - we had time to take a short break and visit family
March 2022 Weather
The next bargraph summarises rainfall and solar radiation during March 2022 [click on plot for larger image]. Rainfall was low and occurred at the start, middle and end of the month. The second half of the month was notable for its sunny days.
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