First Cuke (7th June 2022)
grow cucumbers in a polytunnel using the
Quadgrow Self-Watering system. Cucumber seed (Passandra F1) was sown in
coir seed compost (March 5th) for germination (about a week) in a heated propagator before growing on indoors under '
grow lights'. Mid-April, the plant was transferred to the polytunnel to 'harden off' before transplanting into the Quadgrow planter on the 5th May.
Cucumber (far right) plus 3 different tomato plants (5th May 2022)
The cool start to 2022 has resulted in slow growth in the vegetable garden generally and this cucumber plant was a little less robust than in previous years. Nevertheless, the root system looked fine so the signs were hopeful for some vigorous growth to come.
By June 7th, the plants had progressed well...
Quadgrow a month later (7/6/22)
...and, even though the cucumber plant was still quite small, it has produced its first edible fruit at about 4" (10 cm) long (see top photo). [Note: Passandra is a mini cuke]
Checking back on previous years' records, the first cucumbers were picked on 24th June in 2021 and 4th June in 2020. 2020 was a particularly good year for vegetables due to the warm spring and absence of frosts. Here is a picture taken on 4th June 2020 of the first salad harvest...
Cucumber & Salad Leaves (4/6/20)
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