Hereford River Carnival

 Last weekend (26-27/8/22) was the Hereford River Carnival. A relatively recent innovation held somewhat sporadically - though the pandemic did not help matters. Mary was playing with Bandemonium on Saturday...

Bandemonium @ Hereford River Carnival 2022

A small number of floats set off from Hereford Rowing Club...

Hereford River Carnival Floats set off

...followed by a few stragglers...

The stragglers get left behind

...and, finally, the last float getting an assist from a passing kayaker...

Novel Propulsion Method

The event was split between Castle Green and the King George V Playing Fields and included a fair, lots of stalls, food and drink, a craft tent and three music stages. A warm (27 ℃) & sunny day and an excellent turnout.


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