On Sunday (23rd April), we were warned of widespread frost for Monday night and Tuesday morning due to an influx of Arctic weather (Figure 1). Subzero temperatures overnight were predicted even for Herefordshire.
Figure 1: Sunday's Weather Forecast for Monday Night/Tuesday Morning (BBC) |
This evening's forecast (24th April) has reined in those low temperatures somewhat so we may avoid a ground frost (Figure 2) tonight/tomorrow morning.
Figure 2: Monday's Weather Forecast for Monday Night/Tuesday Morning (BBC) |
This news came a bit late as I had already taken frost-protection measures for my asparagus and potatoes.
I covered the asparagus bed with a mulch of bark (added benefits include water retention, slow-release fertilizer and making the plot less attractive as a cat's toilet) to protect the sub-surface shoots. Then added a 'cloche' to protect the above-ground spears (Photo 1). In this case, the 'cloche' was a mini-greenhouse normally used with my Salad/Veg Planters.
Photo 1: Asparagus Bed Frost Protection |
Since the frost is not predicted to be too severe (possibly non-existent), the apple, cherry, pear, and soft fruit trees/bushes should be fine.
Photo 2: Red Windsor Apple (23/4/23) |
Photo 3: Stella Cherry Tree (15/4/23) |
Photo 4: Comice Pear with Blackcurrants in the foreground (14/4/23) |
However, the first potato shoots have just broken through (Photo 5) so will need some protection from the frost.
Photo 5: First Potato Shoots (23/4/23) |
This is simply done by covering the emerging shoots with soil (earthing up) or, in this instance, with my garden compost (thereby adding extra slow-release nutrients at the same time).
Photo 6: Freshly-covered potato shoots (nothing to see here) |
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