Tulip Antoinette

 At last year's Malvern Autumn Show (2022), I bought 10 Antoinette™ tulip bulbs for Mary who was, unfortunately, stuck at home with a bad cold/laryngitis/pneumonia/Covid-19*. They were advertised as a late-flowering multi-headed chameleon tulip changing colour from green-yellow to salmon pink.

The following photographs (Photos 1-7) are enlargements from my daily garden photoshoots (View from the Rear Window series).

Photo 1: Antoinette Tulips (centre, green pot) - 23rd April

Photo 2: Antoinette Tulips (centre, green pot) - 28th April

Photo 3: Antoinette Tulips (centre, green pot) - 1st May

Photo 4: Antoinette Tulips (centre, green pot) - 5th May

Photo 5: Antoinette Tulips (centre, green pot) - 10th May

Photo 6: Antoinette Tulips (centre, green pot) - 13th May

Photo 7: Antoinette Tulips (centre, green pot) - 17th May

On average, each tulip produced just over five flowers per bulb.

Here are a few more close-up photos showing the splendour of these tulips:

Photo 8: Antoinette Tulips - 4th May

Photo 9: Antoinette Tulips - 4th May

Photo 10: Antoinette Tulips - 9th May

Photo 11: Antoinette Tulips - 11th May

Photo 12: Antoinette Tulips - 14th May

Well worth growing for some late tulip action and, provided they return in future years, excellent value for money (under a fiver!).

[* delete as appropriate depending on your hypochondriac tendencies]


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