Malvern Spring Show 2024


Photo 1: Malvern Spring Show 2024

We had an exceedingly pleasant day out with Mary's sister and husband (up from Devon) at the 2024 RHS Malvern Spring Festival on Sunday 12th May. As always, the show was held at the Three Counties Showground, Great Malvern. The weather was warm and sunny except for a heavy thundery downpour towards the end of the day.

The display gardens produced by schools from Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire (the Three Counties) are always fun (Photos 2 - 6)...

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

We heard a couple of excellent talks from Adam Frost & Mark Diacono (Cooking up a Feast) and Jonathan Moseley (Making the most of your cut flowers) and admired the many displays from expert growers such as these carnivorous pitcher plants ...

Photo 7: Sarracenia (Pitcher Plant) Display at Malvern Spring Festival (2024)

We did buy a sundew (drosera) plant for our bog garden ...

Photo 8: Our Bog Garden with recently-added Sundew (centre)

... plus a few bargains at the end where the two sisters managed to cram goodness knows how many plants into a medium-sized plastic bag in an end-of-show offer (£5 for an empty plastic bag and help yourself to as many plants as you could fit in).

A great day out finished off with dinner at the Bunch of Carrots near Hereford on the way home.

The Malvern Spring Festival 2024 was covered in this episode of Gardeners' World ...


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